Serafina and the Black Cloak
I loved this book. Even with all of Serafina's idiosyncrasies, the way Robert Beatty described her made her actions seem perfectly normal, for her.
Serafina is a rather strange girl who lives in the basement of the Biltmore Mansion with her father who works as a mechanic in the mansion. She is supposed to stay hidden, for reasons that aren't revealed until later in the book, but her curiosity leads her to pushing those rules. She is seen one night by the wrong person, and everything goes crazy from then on.
Beatty paints a wonderful and believable picture of a special young girl. Her courage is enough to get her through and help her defeat the bad guy without veering too far from what a normal girl her age would feel. She is both vulnerable and brave.
Book 1 of the Serafina series
5 Stars

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