The Gateway
The dream world of Foo is threatened by the dark Sabine and his shadowy minions. Leven, with the help of Winter, who can turn things to ice just by thinking it; Clover, his adorable and fiercely-loyal, cat-like little sycophant; and Geth, the powerful and rightful ruler of Foo, who just happens to be a talking toothpick through most of the book, set out to save Foo by destroying the gateway between that land of dreams and reality.
Skye does an incredible job of bringing his new, imaginative world to life. His main characters, the world they are trying to reach, and even the candy they eat come from a wildly creative mind. The only downside I found to the book was that it spends a little too much time dwelling on Leven’s fear, other than that, it’s a great read. I’d recommend it, if for nothing else, then for the crazy antics of the lovable Clover, unquestionably, my favorite character.
Book 1 of the Leven Thumps Series
4 stars

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